Category | Mobile Legends
MSC Winner
MSC winner – Last night were the grand final of MSC , the Mobile Legends Championships in Southeast Asia. This tournament were joined by 5 countries around Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Singapore, Phillipine, Thailand, and Malaysia. And was held in Gandaria City Mall for 3 days. So, who will be the winner of the biggest Mobile Legends tournament today?
And this is the total prizes for each teams:
1st Winner : IDONOTSLEEP—$50, 000
2nd Winner : SALTY SALAD———-$25, 000
3rd Winner : SOLID GAMING ALPHA—$10, 000
4th Winner : IMPUNITY—$6, 000
5 & 6th Winner: TEAM SAIYAN & SAINTS INDO—$3, 000/team
7 & 8th Winner: ELITE8 ESPORTS & MYA JR—$1, 500/team
Impunity vs Team Saiyan
The first game of today was the final round of Lower Bracket semi-final between IMPUNITY and Team Saiyan. After rest and adjustment of a whole night, two teams both got hot hands. The early game was quite tense but IMP’s tempo was slightly better. They built up their advantages on economy and level by Saber and Chou consistently roaming around the map. And relying on this strong early-game lineup, IMP won the match.
Lower Bracket Semi-Final (Impunity vs Solid Gaming Alpha)
Plenty of mistakes occurred to IMP when they were dealing with team fights in the early game, which offered a handful kills to SA’s Roger. As the consequence of those mistakes, IMP was totally unable to handle Roger in the late game. Even though IMP was tough enough to hold on their last defensive line and saved their last-1-HP base from enemies’ hands, SA’s powerful offensive become more and more overwhelming and finally broke IMP up. SA’s player MB played Roger so perfectly, we can say that Roger destroyed the enemy team on his own.
Upper Bracket Final (Salty Salad vs iDNs)
Salty Salad and iDNs both are the kind of teams who play very aggressively in the early game. Massive team fights broke out since the very beginning of a game. For the competition between these two teams, the key to win is the assassin role. SS’s Karina and iDNs’s Fanny were both mind-blowing in the 2 rounds of games. iDNs chose Franco as the tank and two high-burst-damage assassins in the 2nd round who made a perfect cooperation tearing SS apart before they can find their feet. However, in the 3rd round, SS learned. iDNs wanted to copy the success of last game but SS didn’t give them the chance. With more careful positioning, they disabled Franco’s tricks and won the match in the end.
Lower Bracket Final (iDNs vs Solid Gaming Alpha)
We still do not know about iDNs very much, but one crystal clear thing we can know is that they are absolutely talented in using unexpected lineups. For example, during the top-8 matches, they used Sun and Franco, who were actually very rare or, we can say, never be seen in previous MSC matches. And in this round, they selected Irithel, a marksman that’s still quite new to most of ML players. Irithel’s performance was almost flawless, dealing in total over 30k damage in a single game. With some help from Chou and Karina, iDNs took the victory with ease. In the 2nd round, the initiative was still with iDNs. However, SA defended very well. They managed to stop iDNs’s push-in for a quite long time after losing their top-lane highground turret. The only one-big mistake they made was that they neglected minions when they were trying to fight back. SA barely teleported back and cleaned minions up before the base lost its last 1 point of HP. But right after that, iDNs dived in with no hesitation and destroyed the base.
The Grand Final (iDNs vs Salty Salad)
Again, iDNs surprised us with their brilliant lineups in the ‘Final’. Some heroes that have never been used in MSC matches before such as Yi Sun-shin and Lolita were brought to our eyes. Different from all of other teams, they preferred to use double-tank lineup and appreciated support heroes very much. With such a team-buff lineup, they were able to push together very early. Tanks’ unbelievable toughness and Estes’s great healing ability helped their team win a handful of small-scale team fights in the early game building up massive advantages.
Let’s check The Grand Final MSC Winner Video:
Source : Mobile Legends

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