Category | eSports
Have you everheard about this game? Or maybe you’re the one who plays this game? Based onForbes, it is said that Fortnite is nominated for a few Game Award, and seemslikely to win best ongoing game and possibly best multiplayer. The Game Awardshas not only secured itself as the closest thing we’re going to get to videogame Oscars, but also, essentially, as Winter E3, where game companies dropnews and trailers for their upcoming 2019 releases and beyond.
Also do notforget to stay tune in our website because there will be Fortnite news at the December 5 event. We are probably going to be seeing teasers for season 7 asearly as today, with one to come every day leading up to the grand reveal. Itseems possible that the Grand reveal could take place at the Game Awards.
The big mystery in the run-up to season 7 has been approaching storm cloud on the southern horizon of the map. A storm cloud that revealed it was an iceberg. An iceberg that revealed it had what appears to be the tip of a castle on it.
We know theiceberg castle and snow are coming, and there is a robot lurking around stalking characters. So, it will be fun to watch it.
Source : Forbes
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